
Stationary & Templates

From basic stationary to intricate newsletter designs
to full-blown html you can do it all here. Plus we can fluff it up around the edges to make you look even better. We also offer full turn-key services.


 Targeted E-mail Messages

Copy or re-send campaigns easily or set up triggered e-mails in just a few clicks based on dates, detailed searches or groups so that your systems works for you even when you aren't in there.


Reporting & Exporting

See exactly who is opening your emails and taking action. Compare campaigns side-by-side. Export lead lists with one click. This is what you have been wanting the other systems to do for you.


SEO & Lead Generation 

Sell more and get the word out for less money. Effectively target your audiences and generate leads. We can combine our powerful e-mail marketing system with a comprehensive online plan.


Next Generation  E-mail Marketing Platform and Experts

  1. Create Powerful Lists
  2. The Premise system allows you to create multiple audiences within your account allowing you to create a system similar to many more expensive CRM's. This also allows you to create very specialized messages for your specific audiences creating higher open rates, click through rates and results.
  3. Reach your Audience with Powerful Targeted Messages
  4. Because you can create distinct audiences you can send to all or to specific groups. You can also create triggered emails that when set up in advance do the work for you. Birthdays, anniversaries, or through our customized E-Touch Program we can set up a series of triggered emails to help you stay in front of your customers.
  5. Increase your Sales and Customer Loyalty
  6. Targeted, relevant and consistent communications with your clients can create the brand loyalty you are looking for. It can also create a cost effective way to get out your sales messages saving you money in traditional postage.
  7. Make it so Easy with Custom Templates and Dozens of Layouts

Our system is truly easy for the novice with over [more]

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