Detailed Reporting

Powerful reporting makes for a powerful sales tool

Here you'll get real-time response tracking, you'll see who's opening, clicking, signing up and more. Plus, you'll learn from your results with stylish graphs and reports that help you spot trends over time. The more you use Premise E-connect, the smarter you'll feel each time you hit send.

Real-Time Results

See who not only how many people are opening your e-mails but find out who. This allows you to be able top target in your sales team on the preple who are interested and actively engaging with your messages and promotions.

Compare Campaigns

Compare campaigns side-by-side to see what is working and creating the best results. From the day you send your campaings to the time of day you can find out what makes your specific Audiences tick!

Exportable into Excel

Export your results into a spreadsheet and it bring all the data you have collected on them. Now this is a powerful call-back list or e-mail clean-up start.

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